A step-by-step implementation system allows first to ensure the usefulness and necessity of our solutions and only then to acquire the licenses.

  • First simulation for free
  • Extendable trial period
  • Annual subscriptions and perpetual licenses
  • Calculation services
  • Specialized modules
  • Engineering

Free simulation of your part

Are you facing problems with your cast parts, cracks and shells appearing, and don't know what's causing them?


Request a free simulation of your real casting to confirm that the model can predict defects

Case studies from $599 usd

Not ready to buy the software yet? Request an analysis of your problem from our specialists.


Get a full report on how to solve your problem at a very affordable price

Commercial license from $14,137.00 usd/year

Are you considering taking the next step and purchasing a commercial license for PoligonSoft?


Buy PoligonSoft with a perpetual license or subscribe for a year. Individual or network licenses available.

Free First Simulation

Send us the model of the part you are having issues with and check the accuracy of PoligonSoft's predictions.

  • Contact us to detail and fully understand your specific needs. If necessary, we are ready to sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure the protection of your information.
  • Send us all the initial data necessary to carry out the simulation.
  • Once we have received the information, we will proceed with the simulation using our PoligonSoft software. Our team of specialists will execute the analysis.
  • We will provide you with the calculation results, which will include an identification of the points where defects may arise in your piece.

The typical set of initial data required from the client includes:

  • 3D geometric model of the part and the mold. The model should include the gating system, risers, and other elements.
  • Alloy grade or chemical composition for "rare" alloys
  • Casting temperature, casting duration, parameters of the casting equipment
  • Mold material and preheating temperatures. Insulators, exothermics, chillers, and other elements installed in the mold
  • General Description of the Technological Process: It is possible to model virtually any casting method and take into account any specific characteristic of the casting process

Important: The free simulation is limited to predicting possible defects and does not include recommendations for their resolution. If you need detailed advice, we offer you the option to contract our Engineering service, which provides a complete report with solution methods.

Calculation Services and Results Analysis

Custom development of an optimal casting technology for your production. We detect and analyze the true causes of problems in your casting process.

What is Engineering?

The engineering study conducted with the 'PoligonSoft' casting process modeling system focuses on developing an optimal manufacturing technology for your production's castings.

Computational modeling allows for the identification of the true causes of any defects or instabilities in the process, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of various technological modifications.

Often, it is possible to reduce the consumption of resources and energy in the manufacturing process.

Our extensive experience in casting process modeling and deep knowledge of the 'PoligonSoft' system enable us to quickly generate innovative and effective technological solutions.

What do you receive?

The client receives a report with the solution or a set of solutions for their casting technological process.

This report includes a detailed scientific analysis that considers both the technical and economic aspects of production.

If requested by the client, we also provide files with the results of the calculations and specialized software for visualizing and analyzing these data.

Once the casting technology has been thoroughly verified through simulation, it can be implemented with great confidence in the success of the process. Our experience has shown that simulations offer high predictive accuracy and a quick return on investment in these preliminary studies.

What is the price of the service?

The cost of our calculation service varies depending on the complexity of each specific task.

Prices start from 599 USD, adjusted according to the needs and particularities of the project in question.

This allows us to offer customized solutions that align with our clients' requirements and budgets, ensuring an appropriate investment for each case.

Variants and Prices of PoligonSoft

Send us the model of the part you are having issues with and check the accuracy of PoligonSoft's predictions.



Model preparation for subsequent calculations and results visualization

  • Finite element mesh generator
  • Material databases
  • Technological process templates
  • Visualization and analysis of results
  • Does not include any solver. Can be used only for preparation of calculation and subsequent analysis.



Simulation of most technological processes

  • All functions of the Special version
  • Euler Solver
  • Hooke Solver
  • Radiation Module
  • Centrifugal Casting Module
  • Criterion Module

Additional Modules

All products can be complemented with any additional module according to your needs.

  • Euler Solver
  • Hooke Solver
  • MacroStructure Solver
  • Heat Treatment Solver
  • Radiation Module
  • Centrifugal Casting Module
  • Continuous Casting Module
  • Criterion Module

Support and Updates

Technical support and updates are free for all active licenses.

For perpetual licenses, both technical support and updates are provided at no additional cost for the first year from the date of purchase.

Types of Licenses

Individual License - Calculations are performed exclusively on the computer where the protection key is located.

Network License - Calculation can be performed on any computer in the network, provided the key is installed on the network's server.

Duration of Licenses

1-Year Subscription - You can use the program for one year, after which the software stops functioning; to continue using PoligonSoft, the license must be renewed.

Perpetual - A perpetual license means you can use the software indefinitely without any additional payment.